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The Tyler State Park MTB trail is one of the highest ranked trails in Texas! Check out the current trail ranking and read the reviews at mtbReview.com  Reviews and description can also be found  at www.trails.com

The Tyler State Park mountain bike trail consists of five connected loops for a total distance of 10.6 miles as of 4/24/2006. Distances change occasionally due to rerouting. The trailhead is located at Blackjack campground.  The first loop is EZ, which is relatively flat and loops back to Blackjack for a distance of about one fourth of a mile.  Loop A begins on EZ, has more challenging hills, and extends the length of the ride back to Blackjack for a total of 3.3 miles.  Loop B begins on A and descends for about a mile, levels off in a creek area, circles around a rough and rooty one mile "buffalo" section, then gradually ascends back to Blackjack, adding another 4.0 miles.  A trail leading to the start of B loop, which skips EZ and A loop, begins next to the restroom at Blackjack campground.  The total distance for just riding B loop is 4.40 miles.  C loop begins on B loop and circles back to B loop extending the ride about 2.0 miles.  C loop is probably the most technical section, with some challenging switchbacks.  D loop has a few challenging sections and begins on C loop. It extends the ride about another 2.0 miles before joining back with C loop.

Trail Maps in .pdf and Trackpoints in .gpx
Updated Trackpoints
Loops A,B,C,D
EZ Loop

Loop A 3.60 miles

Loop B

Loop C

Loop D


A grant of $65,000 has been made available from the state for renovation of the TSP mountain bike trails and for building facilities.  The project was kicked off by a trail building workshop held by the IMBA trail building crew on 10/22/00. See IMBA report  A new handicapped trail was begun, and some parts of A loop were rerouted.  The objective of the trail crew is to have a very low maintenance trail built in such a way to prevent erosion.

Renovations will include:
1.  A parking lot for bike riders across the road from Blackjack.
2.  A concrete slab with drain, faucet, and rack for washing bikes.
3.  Additional trails and signs.
4.  A new paved trail for physically impaired persons with interpretive signs describing plants and animals.
5.  Addressing trail erosion.
6.  Updated trail maps.
7.  Tools for trail work.

Tyler State Park superintendent, Rick Meyers, , is currently in charge of managing the trail system.
The TSP phone number (903) 597-5338 should be used for contact information for the trail.

The Tyler Bicycle Club holds its annual Gnarly Dog Time Trial Series at Tyler State Park.  It usually runs from November to January with the top three times being averaged for the final results.

1/11/03 Report for Tyler State Park Trail

Recent logging has forced the park people to reroute some sections of the trails.  Roger
Singleton, the Tyler Bicycle Club trail steward,  has kept a close eye on the trails.  His
involvement has helped inmensely in keeping the trails open.  The upper section of EZ is closed.
The B trail has three sections that have been rerouted.   I believe they have added to
what we had before.  These new sections are a little bumpy but they are getting better.  The D
section of the trail has a short reroute.  The whoopy hills are still there!    There are about 10
miles total of trails that are fun.  You can ride TSP even after it rains.  It drains well!  The Gnarly
Dog mountain bike series are going strong.  Dallas and Longview have been well represented in
these series.  Tyler, too, of course!

Galén Williams

Tyler State Park Trail Update by Roger Singleton

Jeanne Patterson, Texas Bicycle Coalition, has informed me that the State Park system is hiring two individuals to help with master plans and maintaince on bike trails throughout the State.  These people will be on a two year contract.  Tyler State Park is on the top of their list.  I have been asked to provide the IMBA people and the local Regional Headquarters a detailed scope of the
work that I think needs to be accomplished as well as a list of priorities.  I have already started on the project and will do it as quickly as I can.  I have been given permission to do some work that needs immediate attention.  Of course, this must be approved Todd Mcmakin and Jeff Sparks at the Regional Headquarters.  I remind our riders that the scope I give the Park is my suggestions only.  The Park will make the final decision on what and where needs to be done.

Updates on the following:

Bike parking lot:  Paving project has been put on hold for about two months.  Reasoning is that the tree cutting trucks will be parking there and there is no need to surface it at this time.  We have been promised water, a place to wash bikes and electricity.  No shelter or restrooms are included now.

"Select" tree removal:  Pine bore beetles have infested areas of the Park.  Approximately 44 acres are effected.  The Park has promised me the Trail areas that are part of the cutting process will be heavily flagged.

New Park Manager:  Justin Rhodes is the new acting manager for the Park.  He is a mountain bike rider and is enthused about helping with the trails.  He has another individual hired that will be on the team in two weeks.  This individual will be assigned to assist with the Trail.  Justin has applied for the Manager job opening and I hope that he is successful.

Thank you to:  Steve Kidd and Justin Powell on their work on the Trail.  I think it really showed that someone did care about the maintaince and care of the bike trail. Also thanks to Jeff Sparks and Justin Rhodes, TPWD employees, for cutting out some trees that were blocking the trail.  Thanks to all of you that have helped me in the past. Roger Reports for Tyler State Park Trail
        It's in real good shape and fast.  TSP can stand a lot of rain.  The best
time to ride is a day after a pretty good rain.  Thanks to the folks who
have been working on it.  Come to the club meeting Feb 12 and learn more
about the plans for the trails.  --Bob Hebb
I think TSP is the best local place to ride bikes.  I notice all the talk about how rough the trails are and that the roots are all over the place.  And people complain about this?  It's clear that they are "Mountain Bike" trails.  I ride my bike on the trails at the TSP every week.  Sure, sometimes things break, and I can't say that I've never had a hard bust in the dirt, but that's all part of it.  I would just like to say thanks to everyone that works at the Tyler State Park; you do a great job of giving Smith County residents and visitors a clean, fun place to enjoy the outdoors.

Thank you for allowing me to share my opinion  --Brian Barnett  BRIANMAN383@aol.com
6/20/01 Response from Rick Meyers, Park Superintendent...

I am replying to your inquiry about the trails at Tyler State Park.  As you
know we have received a grant that was awarded in October 2000. We have a
two year timeline in which to use the money for trail improvements. The
grant totals $49,000 after deducting the matching "in-kind" labor and
donated materials,monies,etc.
     We have spent approximately $7000 of the grant thus far during the
workshop that was conducted in October of 2000. We have almost completed the
handicap trail and have purchased tools for trail work. These tools are
available for all volunteers to use while working the trails. To date we
have over 1000 volunteer hours since October 2000 that will be used as
In-kind donations for the matching grant money.

     I have received three bids for the parking addition and plan to have
installation by the end of the summer. Showers and bike wash are in the
planning stage.Trail improvement is moving very slowly. We have rerouted
some of the trails and have marked other locations for re-route.We have
closed some of the trail and will continue to do so as necessary during
several phases of trail repair and forest management. The park is currently
undergoing a five year plan to improve the flora/ tree population that has
seen overgrowth and insect infestation for several years. At present we will
not add any new trails until a management plan has been written and the
current trails are sustainable. I do not have a trail steward at this time
but I have two new positions that will be filled by September 1st, one of
which will be incharge of the trail grant and preparing a management plan.
We have had several "pay dirt" volunteers and park staff has worked the
trails to keep them clean and safe.I am confident that we will have the
trails in great shape for the 2002 season.
    We welcome any and all volunteers. If you know of any volunteers that
would like to set up a work day to rebuild some bridges or re-route trails,
please have them contact me at rickmeyers@tpwd.state.tx.us. I hope I have
answered most of your questions. Please feel free to call or e-mail me at

Rick Meyers
Park Superintendent
 (903) 597-5338
6/10/01  Trail is in good condition, but more roots are exposed due to heavy rain.  Buffalo loop is still closed, and the Handicapped trail is growing over.  I emailed the park Superintendent to find out when the $68,000 grant will be implemented for trail improvements and adding facilities such as showers, additional parking, and a bike wash station.  by Jim Walker
5/17/01  Trail is in great condition!  Someone has been working on it.  No trees down, no mud holes, and a few re-routes.  Total length is about 10.6 miles.  Buffalo loop is still closed.
4/17/01  Trail open, but some parts in bad condition.  Someone is supposed to be working on it.
Rick Myers, Tyler State Park Superintendent, has closed down the trail to cyclists due the excessive rain that has fallen in the last weeks.  It is expected to be opened on March 31st. The Gnarly Dog Time Trial, scheduled for March 25st, has been canceled.  They will be resumed at a later date to be announced.  Some of the sections that were recently closed down were infected by pine beetles.  The park is planning to hire someone to work only on the bike trails starting in June, 2001.





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