"Pancake Capitol of Texas"
(and hometown of Aunt Jemima!)

     This is a wonderful ride to the hometown of Aunt Jemima for pancakes then around scenic Lake Hawkins and back to Tyler.  It has no set time or date and occurs several times a year.  The time and date is usually discussed on Topica.

     The round trip is about 40 miles with a stop at Petty's Cafe in Hawkins, "The Pancake Capital of Texas," for breakfast.  Some usually ride around Lake Hawkins after breakfast, which adds about 15 more miles.  The route from Tyler to Hawkins is scenic with some challenging hills, and the traffic is usually light.  It is not a fast ride, but the pace is moderate.  The more that go, the more variable the pace can be.

     The starting point is usually Super One on N. Beckham and Gentry.  However, if you don't want the extra 4 or 5 miles, park at the Super 1 parking lot at North Beckham and Gentry Parkway, just northeast of the downtown Tyler area, and wait for the group to come by.   If you don't want to ride your bike, just drive to Hawkins and meet the group for a great breakfast, or take your bike and ride around Lake Hawkins.

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