Cyclists With 
Dog Tails To Tell

Tyler Bicycle Club
Tyler, Texas

Spike says, "Grrrr! Add your own cycling dog tail.
I know you have one--like me, every cyclist has a dog tail!
Some are just hairier than others
This dog tail is by
     Today's (Sunday) ride for me was cut short by a loose pooch. The large (est. 90#) dog knocked me off the road near 16696 CR 223 (yellow house) on the B&B route. Bent my rear wheel and gave me a minor leg injury. This is my 2nd encounter with this large, black dog. I think he lives at he address above. When the owner is not home he accompanies neighborhood folks on their walks in the area. Neighbors have been embarassed when traffic (autos included) is hampered by the dog. When in the area and you observe the dog with someone walking, remember he is not with his owner and NOT on a leash.
Spike note: This is the dog tail that started all of this!
This dog tail is by Cathy
     Dave: I had the same problem a little over 1 year ago (actually Dec. 2001) on Cty. Rd. 223 on the B&B route...a rotweiler got me (actually, I didn't see him until he was about 6 feet from me...he kind of "sneaked" up on me). My husband was behind me a few feet on his bike. The dog was FAT, and my first thought was "I can outrun this fat dawg!!" Well, I didn't...he almost got my ankle...I went off the road, in the gravel, but managed to stay upright...he slammed into my back wheel and bent it, and then he tumbled into the ditch between me and my husband. I looked back to see that he had hit the ditch, and also to see that there was a house on the north side of the road (wooden house) with a couple of people on the front porch, watching. I think the house is the first house on the left, after you turn onto 223. All they did was stand and watch. I had to ride without brakes after I reached HWY 64. Our answer was to go back later the next day (in a vehicle) and inquire about the dog. We took my son's old Silverado pickup (loud muffler!!) to try and get that dog to come out. We could find no sign of life at that house, and no sign of the dog. I am wondering if it is the same dog. We called the sheriff's office and reported the incident, but I am sure nothing ever came of that. I am willing and available to help to do something about this. Cathy
This dog tail is by Jim Walker
      I call the Sheriff's office and report such dogs. They usually send somebody out to talk to the owner. Called the Wood County Sheriff's office a couple of weeks ago about a pack of dogs at Lake Hawkins, one of which locked onto one of my leggings--glad it was cold. The dogs are still there, so now I fill their face with Halt. If you ride around Lake Hawkins, the dogs belong to the man who lives in the junkiest place on the lake--junk in his yard, garage, porch, everywhere. His neighbor also has a Rotweiler, which gives chase.
This dog tail is by Jim Walker
     AN OLD DOG TAIL...About 15 or more years ago I was doing about 21 MPH on my road bike when a chow decided to give chase. He had chased me several times before and only wanted to run along side me for as long as he could, but he always wanted to cross the highway and run to my right. For some reason he always crossed in front of me, but on this day I took him a little by surprise and he was slow getting to the road. I thought I could outrun him and that he would cross the highway behind me, but he was determined to cut in front. When he did, he hit my front wheel and I did a big endo and scraped my chin on the road for a few yards. My first thought was to get my bike off the road before somebody ran over it, so I crawled over to it and finally drug it off the road. By this time blood was all over the place, and the ambulance had to come get me and take me to the emergency room where they sewed up my chin. That ride cost around $1200 and the owner of the dog didn't feel any responsibility though the dog had a reputation of chasing everything that went by. He just told me not to ride by there again. In fact he said if he saw me again he would chase me down in his pickumup truck and his wife said she would shoot my a-- off that bicycle.
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     I have never had a dog take me down, but I have been bitten. The only reason he didn't take me to the pavement is I hit him right between the eyes with my fist. I was able to do this because he had just grab me by the ankle on the upstroke. After this experience I purchased a can of HALT and have used it many times. In the beginning I was apprehensive about using it, afraid it might cause a lot of yelping and carrying on by the victim but it doesn't, they just get a wiff of it and stop.I have found it to be very effective. In fact on Saturday Gary, Joe and I had a pooch stop a car and come after us I used the HALT and he did.
This dog tail is by Bob
     As a young boy, I was bitten several times while riding my bike by a dog in our town named Ranger. At 14, I got a drivers license and retired my bicycle. One of my first acts after getting my license was to secure a 15 foot length of rope to the lug of one of the rear wheels on my 53 chevy and drive by Rangers house at approximately 30 mph honking my horn. Ranger never bit anyone (or thing for that matter) again.
This dog tail is by Cathy
     Poor Ranger!! Driver's license at 14??
This dog tail is by Ali
      I ride on back road a lot and have had many encounters with dogs. Luckily, so far, I never bitten or injured by one. I thing, one reason being that I always look around a lot and when I see one coming, I either take it as an excuse for an sprint, if I see it feasible, or get off my bike and walk through while using my bike as a shield. The HALT trick sounds good too.
This dog tail is by Cathy
     The dogs are out in force...I rode a 44 mile B&B route Sunday, March 9th, and counted being chased by 7 dogs. On Cty Rd. 2138, I heard one dog behind me hit the pavement running to catch me (must not have had his manicure lately). It still did not scare me into riding fast enough to catch that lead pack of cyclists...who I chased for 25 miles...
This dog tail is by
     Mr. Kitson will handle you dog complaints at the address below. Here is my latest dog tail (complaint) Glenn D. Kitson, Deputy / A.C.O. 15405 Highway 155 South Tyler, Texas 75701 Dear Mr. Kitson: On Sunday 03-02-03 at about 2:45 pm, while cycling east on CR 223, the large black Rottweiler shown in the enclosed photo attacked me. The dog was on the road walking west towards me with a young couple from the area. I swerved into the westbound lane trying to avoid the dog. The dog butted me on the right shin, spun off and must have struck the rear wheel of my bicycle. The blow was painful to my leg and foot. There was damage to the rear wheel causing it to lock up assisting the stop. My speed at the time was in excess of 20 mph. Swerving and skidding; I was able to stay upright somehow. If I had gone down there would have been serious injury for sure. The young couple witnessing the attack indicated 16703 CR 223 may be the dog’s home (See enclosed photo), and said that they were “embarrassed” when motorists, thinking they (the couple) were the owners, yelled at them as the dog disrupted traffic. I returned to the site on the next day to look for the owner and measure the skid mark. The length of the skid mark was 45 feet. See enclosed photo. No one was home at the time. On 03-09-03 I was cycling the same route and noted that some one was home at the address. I stopped and shared my concern with Mr. John Simmons. He was very agreeable and stated that the dog would be kept in a pen. Subsequently, on 03-19-03 I was cycling the same route and was again attacked by the same dog from 6703 CR 223. This same animal attacked me at another location on CR 223 last year. He was in the company of an older couple walking beside the road. Another cyclist reported a dog of the same description attacked her last year and damaged the rear wheel of her bicycle. I am convinced that, unless this dog is confined, there will be a serious injury to me or someone else. By this letter I wish to file a complaint on this animal. Yours truly, David L. Williams
This dog tail is by Galén
     Some years ago I was chased by some mean dogs while riding a TT on the road to Mixon. I knew that I was going to encounter the same pack after the turn around. Although I had used the Halt, I became more apprehensive because I had missed when I sprayed. As I imagined it would happen, just ahead of me I saw how one of these dogs came charging at one of the other racers. The dog bumped into Michael Rodriguez'left pedal. Michael didn't fall!... but, I was so nervous thinking that I couldn't out run the dogs that I had to stop. Minutes went by and I couldn't move. I was hyperventilating and, yes, crying, too. I froze! Brian Johnston, who had been at the turn around then came to my rescue. He could see the fear in my face. He parked his truck by the side of the road and got his pump out. He was ready for the dogs (tired by then). When he assured me that I was safe and there were no dogs in the horizon, I then, got on my bike and was able to ride to the finish. I lost a bunch of time! The time keeper just ignored my plea to adjust the time a little. Good Tyler abided by the rules. I will always be grateful to Brian for the way he armored himself and safe me. I can outsprint some dogs now, but not all. Just the little pooches. I don't get as nervous any more. I bark real loud.
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     A dispatch from Washington DC and Butch's nephew. Rather than write it up myself, I will just provide the links to the website.
This dog tail is by Jim Walker
     Got attacked by two dogs today. The owner was pulling out of her driveway at the time. I saw the assault coming and had my Halt in hand. A brown dog attacked my left leg, while a blackish-gray female cow dog took a bite out of my right leg. I don't believe the pepper spray ever got them in the face. I had to stop the bike to go to a ground attack. When they finally backed off, I went over to the woman in the car and showed her my wound. It wasn't bleeding, but it was turning purple and had a tooth puncture. I asked the woman if the dog had been vaccinated. She said it had, but I didn't see a collar, so I was skeptical. I told her I would call the sheriff and have him to come out to make sure the dog had been vaccinated. She blamed me for the dog biting. She said it would not have bitten me if I hadn't been spraying it with pepper spray. I told her the dogs should not have been out in road attacking people in the first place. She said it was in the country, as if it doesn't matter if her dogs attack people since there is no leash law. I told her the dog would probably have to be pinned up for ten days or have its head cut off and sent to Austin. When I left, the dogs attacked again, but I finally got away. I called Kahne to pick me up, and found out that the same dog bit her on the shoe several months earlier. I called 911 and an officer was sent out to investigate. He visited the place and said the dog had been pinned up, where it will have to stay for ten days. He said the brown dog's eye was swollen where I must have hit him with the spray.
This dog tail is by Norm
     This is a short tale about a stray dog with a short tail. On Killer Hill, the first day of March, he barked, chased and bit. The bike friendly neighbors on Hwy. 177 took care of him and he bites no more.
This dog tail is by
     There is an area near my home that seems to always have multiple dogs running loose. They are never nice, lick your hand kind of dogs either. I have never been bit, but I decided to make sure that it does not happen. Being in law enforcement, I thought about the OC (pepper) spray that I carry on my belt. I got out an old holster and straped a can to the stem on my bike. The next time I saw one of these dogs I gave him a little shot of liquid fire...I haven't seen that dog since!! Pepper spray usually works great on dogs (or anything else that is agressing towards you) and I would suggest that anyone who might have this problem invests in a personal size can and keeps it handy when riding. Don't worry, the effects wear off after thirty minutes to an hour.
This dog tail is by Frank Allen
     I was riding my cycle fast, when a large dog began chasing me and tying to bite me. His complete attention was foucsed on me and he did not notice as I steered him into the bumper of a parked pickup. CLANG! Cyclist 1, dog 0. I hate bad dogs. I'd rather shoot one than..., well, I'll shoot 'em if I can. I've never had one chase me after I have shot him. A couple survived but they learned their lesson.
This dog tail is by Dog Wife :).
     I was riding my bike one time and there was a Dog just laying there in the grass, So I snuck up to him, and scared him. He jumped up about 3 feet in the Air and ran inside his house , so I chased him into the house and found him Hidng in the attic. So I scared him again and he ran outside the House. And ran into his Dog house. So I grabbed a can of Gasoline and a case of Dynomite and I blew up the house. Well I don't need to tell you this but that scared me and the Dog. So we both Ran inside the house, and then the weirdest thing happened we made Friends. So we sat on the couch and made so Pop Corn, and Milk Bones, and watched Old Yeller. We both Liked the movie so much that Now every time I Ride my Bike I take my friend Dog with me, and after the ride we watch old yeller. Every now and then we like to scare each other but I think we Love each other and may get Married someday, Maybe of they make Gay marriage Legal, I can marry my friend DOG someday!
This dog tail is by Annie May
     How horrid that a site like this has become polluted with trashy whore-like advertising. Shame on all of you trollops! Dog tails ONLY please. I pepper spray them, way before any aggression takes place; I don't wait for the growl or bite, if they're near and not on a leash...they're sprayed. I love the bumper trick too!
This dog tail is by
     get a can of bear spray,,kind of expensesive,around $30.00 from sportsmans guide,carry it in your top bottle cage . also a can of wasp and hornet spray that has a 12ft range works pretty good, but you have to aim at the nose mouth and eyes. i dont try to out run them, i grab my bear spray slap on the brakes and fight''the MUTTS have always turned tail and ran,i travel long distance on bicycles and this has worked for me,some times i have had a sneekie one come up on me, but knock on wood the bear spray has allways sent him the other way""
This dog tail is by Steve
     Once I was riding up locust road and this pack of 6 - 10 mixed breed dachshunds come running after me. My first thought was "Aw ain't they cute" but then this pregnant female got a hold of my shoe string and managed to pull me off the bike. As I'm headed for the pavement I'm thinking "I'm about about to be mauled to death by weiner dogs". But I managed to roll well and didn't get hurt and as I looked up all them were running back to where they came from just as fast as they came after me! Another time on a different part of the same road on an uphill, a bunch of beagles and a bassett hound came after me. While I'm watching the ones on the right this ancient bassett hound nails my left calf. Well that pissed me off and I started plotting revenge, even buying some pepper spray. But after thinking about it for a while I figured well dogs do what dogs do and came up with a different approach. What I do now is carry dog bicuits with me. When the dogs come I stop and give 'em a bicuit or two while telling them what good dogs they are! This confuses them a bit but they can't bite you with their mouth full of dog biscuit. If it's on a regular route, they get used to you and some stop chasing you altogether. The rest might still give chase but it's more like kids chasing after an ice cream truck than the aggression it used to be.
This dog tail is by Robert
     Some of you people are downright cruel. If I (and I am a cyclist too) ever see someone trying to use wasp spray on a dog, I will personally launch my 6-1, 225 lb frame at you and I will hold you down and spray that same wasp/hornet spray up your nose. I'll laugh as I pedal my way home too. As for the bumper "trick," I'll pee myself laughing when you hit the bumper or a wall someday, causing severe head trauma. That would be fair retribution, I think. If you don't hit, I'll call the ASPCA on you. As for "Steve" being pulled off his bike by a pack of Daschunds: Steve, you must be one wimpy, frail daisy! 20 mph is a target asking to be chased. Slow down, be courteous, and you will be safe from
This dog tail is by Joe
     On my daily commute to the bike shop where I worked I was constantly approached by a large German Shepard. He would come out barking and stay on my rear wheel for about a 1/4 mile. As I sped up so would he, being a somewhat semi-rural area my fear was that I would be attacked and no one woul see my being hauled to the ground and eaten alive by this oversized carnivore. After enduring this for a couple of weeks I decided that at some point I would need to change my route or confront the beast. I'm not afraid of dogs but I do have a healthy respect for those with large teeth. On my next commute "dogzilla" started the chase, I stopped. The confused dog, obviously not used to this behavior started to run ahead of me, stop and return. I started again, stopped and the dog did the same thing. Realizing that this was a game more so for him than me we began a daily routine and I now had a four legged riding companion who only needed a two legged cycling companion. About a year later I was nailed by a hit and run driver in the city. The dog was had a lot more class.
This dog tail is by
     After a few close calls with aggressive dogs, I've gotten pretty good at handling my bike pump. It took some practice, but now that pump feels as much a part of me as the rest of my bike. I can quickly pop it out from its resting place along the down tube with either hand, and with a quick flick of the wrist, snap it out to about 4 feet long with a sharp metallic click. That's been enough to stop all but a couple of dogs; and a solid rap on the muzzle detered those. I even popped a drunk kid once, who was messing with me from the passenger window of a carload full of teenagers.
This dog tail is by Chad
     This one dog used to chase me on my bike everytime I rode past a certain house- he stopped after the last time I flew past at a good 20 miles an hour and stuck my leg out while he was waiting for me. Knocked him silly and afterwards he would just watch me go by...
This dog tail is by Deborah and Carrie
     My niece Carrie and two nephews Jacob and J.J were bike riding. I was actually on rollerblades, and I'm not the greatest rollerblader. We were passing this house when two small dogs started attacking my rollerblades. I was yelling at them to stop, but they kept getting worse. I eventually ended up falling and trying my best not to get bit by them. One of the owners of the small dogs was standing about three feet away from me and didn't seem to be doing anything. By the time the dogs were taking away from me, I was so upset I threatened to call 911 next time it happened. The owner had the nerve to say they wouldn't have bitten me. I looked back at my niece and nephews some distance away on their bikes. One of my nephews was crying and the others laughing. Well, being attacked by two "totos" didn't help us enjoy our bike/rollerblade adventure. hopefully it won't happen again.

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