Everyone invited to the...

1st Annual Tanner Bike Christmas Party & Nite Ride
December 8th starting at 6:00 going till whenever
at the state park in the blackjack camp ground.

If you want to ride just bring you lights and your bikes or just bring yourself and a lawn chair. I will be grilling burgers and dogs and all the fixing, so please try to make it. we are looking to have a fun time. We'll have a camp fire and can just eat, drink, and be merry!. I will provide everything, but if you want anything special to drink bring it with you. if you get a chance to rsvp by calling or coming by the shop that's fine but if not that's no big deal just show up and lets have some fun. Everyone is welcome!

ps. Don't forget about the Wednesday night nite rides out at the state park. Most people are meeting at the shop at around 5:00 or at the park around 6:00.

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